Saturday, April 13, 2013

One FINE Day! (PS 118:24)

Imagine for a moment that you had to give up your favorite hobby for 112 days. Visualize 16 weeks of not doing one of your favorite things. 

Now imagine the day you get to break that streak. Today was that day for me. Today I got to drive again. Yup. Driving was the thing I missed the most in this whole broken adventure.

Danskin "Tanya's" (seriously)
 bought by mail in January,
great for hopping on one foot.
Oh, and I'm walking now, too. With a cane. And I don't have to wear the big ugly boot. But the doc really wants me wearing good shoes. You see, I have bad feet. Mom'll vouch for that. I was supposed to wear orthodics as a kid. Inside saddle shoes. You can probably guess how long that lasted. 

So, how did I celebrate?

Cinderella's Slipper

I went to VA Runners and got a really expensive pair of sneakers. And excellent customer service. If I ever make it to that fantasy-land where I'm a person who runs for fun, I'll definitely be shopping there.
My new Super-Shoes.
At least they better be Super. They were super-spendy!

My view from home this winter.
Lovely, but limited.

Next, I treated myself to some Starbucks. Apparently, they rolled out a hazlenut treat in the last few months. I had a sample. It was lovely. But today was for spoiling, so I had a simple frappucino. The last Starbucks I enjoyed was when my sister was here helping in January. That's 3 months, folks! That's waaaaay longer than Lent! Of course, it wasn't just about the drink. My joy was multiplied by sitting outside the shop, watching the Saturday traffic, enjoying the sunshine and a view that was not framed by my front door! 

Soooooooooo good!

While I was sitting at Starbucks, I decided I had the energy for one more stop. Should I go to the grocery store? Target? A movie?  I decided I needed a haircut. After all, when you're dependent on the kindness of strangers to shuttle you to work and  doctor's appointments, and to fetch groceries, cleaning supplies, and prescriptions, things like haircuts don't even make the list.

All - in - all, a good day. A very good day, indeed!
 I'm not a teen, and therefore not an expert at the phone-self portrait.
I was smiling in some of the really blurry ones. :-) Sorry!

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! - Ps118:24

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Thanks for sharing your random thoughts, too!