Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy New Year! (Jer 29:11 & 2Cor 12:9)

Hi, friends! 
I know it's been a while - a month, in fact. So... as long as I get this out today, I'm still within the outside limits of my goal of posting at least once a month. Funny. Here goes.

Nothing witty today. Nor deep. Just a (longish) diva-style update. But it's a good one. Especially if you didn't get a Christmas card from me. (Sorry about that! I do still love you!). You'll definitely want to check out at least the last three chunks.

by Jennie Fairall @designs by Jennie
Every January, between New Year's and my birthday, I make time to sit down and look back at the year gone by. It's a little tradition of mine, this "year in review," and it is a really nice way to count my blessings. Because, inevitably, when looking back, I see how richly blessed I've been.

I'm sure I've said this before, but it's good being a God-Girl. A princess of the Most High King. A beloved daughter of the Creator and author of life.

2013 started with a time of trial. My broken leg (December 28) was the focus of the first 4 months. Yes. FOUR MONTHS. During that time, though, I got to spend some quality time with my parents, my sister, and my aunt. I saw the generosity of mankind in action as my coworkers helped me keep my job by driving me to and from work. I got surprises and visits from far-off friends, and began to understand that I had value - beyond the things I do *for* people. I also learned that I'm braver than I knew, more stubborn than I thought, and less self-sufficient than I believed. 

I finally began to truly understand 2Cor 12:9.
"My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness."

In April, I finally got my driving privileges - and therefore my independence - back. My joy truly overflowed. I've never been one to take driving for granted, yet it was positively exhilarating to be back behind the wheel. There's an important lesson there, about taking a time-out, even from our most beloved people/things, and how it can restore and renew and refresh our perspective. I know that's much easier said than done - especially when it comes to family - but I think it may be a worth noodling over some more (that's why I'm sharing with you). 

Having realized that I could not, in fact, do it all on my own, I realized I needed to make some big changes. Again. In May I started looking for jobs in Raleigh, nearer to my sister and her family. By the end of June, I had an offer, my classroom in VA was cleaned out, all of my stuff was in storage in NC, and I was once again in transition.

Summer was a time of renewal and restoration. Thanks to a very generous friend, I was able to visit "home" in the Puget Sound for 3 weeks. I got to see my dear friends, wander around my favorite places, and affirm my choice to move East. Stepping back into my old life, even just for a short while, reminded me of why I needed to change direction. I also realized that I can (and do) look forward to many more visits and vacations back to the home of my heart.

Back-to-school in the fall was, of course, a time of excitement and happy chaos. I have a good job with a great teaching team, and a fun group of kids. I do love my class. That is a blessing, too.
Somewhere between the first day of school and the end of the first nine-weeks, I finally recognized something that I've suspected for a couple years now. I'm not going to be a classroom teacher forever.  Yes, that's right, I've got my eye on the exit. At this point - January 2014, mid-way through my 9th year of teaching - I'm not sure what's on the other side of that door. Or how long it will take me to go through it. I might round out a full 10 years. Or a dozen. I'm not sure what I'm going to do (but I'm praying a whole lot about it). Yet, I'm sure about this. In the interest of keeping this post short(ish), I won't go into this much more now, but if you've talked with me much in the last three years or so, I'm sure you're not surprised. I know I have a God-given talent for working with children. I further know that the years I've spent in the classroom will not be wasted. Yet I'm also certain that God has something ... else... in store for me.


The fall also had two other grand surprises, which, like the idea of changing careers, are going to have a huge impact on 2014 - and possibly beyond.

In late September or early October, I was invited to participate as a chaperone on a college-trip to Spain next summer. Specifically, I will - God willing - be walking the Camino Santiago de Compostela with a group of about 15 students. This is a hike of just under 500 miles. We will travel an average of 12 miles a day for a little over 40 days, starting in mid-June of 2014. I'm beyond excited. 
Obviously, with my recent injury to my leg, there are some questions that must be addressed. I have a great doctor here, who I've been seeing at least once a month since September. He's very realistic, and very optimistic. He wants me to be able to do this, but he is also looking out for my long-term well-being. Which is exactly what I needed in a doctor. So, I've been training, and hoping, and praying, and preparing for what is sure to be an amazing adventure.

Meanwhile, I've begun another amazing adventure. 

Toward the end of October, I met a fella. He's amazing. We are amazing together. My strengths compliment his weaknesses, and his mine. In fact, it's as if God meant us for each other. Hmmm....

I don't know what to write, exactly, without sounding like a stupid sap. Which I'm not (though my sister & parents would tell you I sure am acting like one these days). I guess the bare facts would be a good place to start...
He's employed - a computer programmer, here in Raleigh.
He has a home - about half-way between my sister's place and my work.
He has two daughters - ages 7 & 9. They are terrific. 
He makes me laugh. A lot.
He's taught me so much about grace and character and forgiveness and hope - already.
He enjoys adventures. Cooking. The beach. Movies. Words. Building things. Spending time with me.
Which is very convenient.
Because I predict I'll be spending a lot of time with him this year. 

So... my blog goal... once a month. Yea. I think I can manage that. I'd like to try for more, but I think I might be busy. Because the blessings of 2013 have set me up for a very adventurous 2014.

For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11
HA! You knew I would eventually have to use this one, right? You knew. It's okay to say I told you so. :-)