Saturday, October 6, 2012

I thought of you today... (Col 1:17)

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one” 

- CS Lewis

I thought of you today.
Yes, you.

I was out today, being random, enjoying my new life, and I thought of you. I know you enjoy adventures, and being random.

I thought of you when I was at the mall, sipping delicious, fru-fru coffee, looking at beautiful fall clothes and not buying overpriced sparkly shoes; when the survey woman asked when I'd last seen a movie; when I laughed at the Halloween decorations; when I was staring at the wine shelf in the grocery store, deciding what to try.

I thought of you when I was at the antique store, the flea market, goodwill, looking for furniture and finding surprises.
I thought of you when I passed the seafood restaurant, the taco truck, the sushi bar, the Thai place.

I thought of you when I was driving on a beautiful, winding, tree lined road, windows down, music up;  when that song we laughed at came on the radio; when I was washing my car; when I got caught in the warm, splashing Virginia rain 20 minutes later.

I thought of you in my neighborhood, when I saw the jogger with her brightly colored jacket; the dog walker tangled in her leash; the home-owner on his deck lighting a grill; the children on their bikes.

I thought of you when I got home and saw the vase you gave me, the owl you gave me, the book you recommended, the scrapbook I'm going to make, the games we played on long winter nights, eating popcorn and watching movies. I thought of you when I did the chores I least enjoy, and remembered how we kept each other company.

Somewhere, some time, I read that the only thing that lasts into eternity are the Godly relationships we build here on Earth. I know there's guarantee of that. Still, I am so thankful that God put us together. I pray that I can be a blessing to you, as you are to me. I thought of you today, and knew I was loved. Thank you.

 [God] is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17