Hi, friends, and Merry Christmas!

I wanted to write something deep and inspirational for Christmas. I drafted at least 3 posts, and discarded them all. I really wanted to let you peek at some of the wonderful things God's been showing me this winter (maybe some ideas for 2014). I also wanted to get Christmas cards out, to say a personal "hi!" to all of you.
Ummm...yea. If you didn't get a card yet... well... ummm....
But, you see, that's kinda the thing with Christmas, isn't it?
There's always more things on our lists than we are able to manage, to finish, to perfect.
And yet, Christmas still comes. With surprises and miracles and joy and laughter - and yes, sometimes tears.
And that was the first lesson of Christmas.

Mary was surprised, when she learned she'd be having God's baby.
Joesph was surprised when he was told NOT to put aside his pregnant fiancee, despite centuries of church law that said he should.
Mary's parents were (doubtless) surprised when Joe chose to stand by her.
The young couple was, surely, surprised that God arranged for their baby to be born in a smelly barn, far away from the family and friends they were counting on.
The night-shift shepherds, watching sleeping sheep do nothing were certainly surprised to see the heavenly host appear and tell them "good tidings of great joy."
King Herod was surprised when a diplomatic envoy showed up looking for a baby king.
The innkeeper was probably very surprised about the amount of foot-traffic his barn saw in those weeks.
Christmas is here.
The world will never be the same.
God likes to surprise us. He loves to see our eyes sparkle. Hearing us laugh makes Him smile. He likes to sneak up on us, put his hands over our eyes, and whisper "guess who?!" He delights in our delight over the good things he provides.

That's exactly how Christmas morning feels for the giver.
When you watch someone open a gift you've given them - a great gift; one that really reflects how well you know them, and how much you care about their happiness - that sense of pure joy you feel? That's how God feels when he watches us enjoy His gifts. When you peek in from the kitchen to see your kids playing - together - with a game you gave them, and having a great time? That joy? That's how God feels when we make the most of His gifts.
And when your kids come running up to you, out of nowhere, and hug you, just because they're overwhelmed with love for you?
That's all God wants from us. A little time, a little thanks, a little return on the love He's given.
The rest of the things on the list?
Christmas comes with or without cookies and cards and carols. Sometimes it even comes without gifts to unwrap. I know, I've been there. But even in the lean times, there's something special, something surprising about waking up on Christmas morning, warm and safe, and beloved.
Yes, those other things are nice. Important, even.
Just as going to church and doing "good things" is important for God-Followers.
But if we don't get through all the fuss and flurry, Christmas still happens.
And Jesus said the ONLY thing Christians HAD to do was love. Love God and love each other, unselfishly, and with abundant grace. Just as He loves us.
The real meaning of Christmas is love. Love shown in surprising ways. Love that defies logic. Love that gives us hope. Love that promises us eternity with the creator of the universe, watching the stars sing and dance.
Merry Christmas, my friends. I love you.
As you celebrate today, and move into the new year, be looking for the surprises God puts in your path. And when you see one... be sure to say thank you!
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent his son into the world, not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved. -John 3:16-17
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Thanks for sharing your random thoughts, too!