A couple of my closest friends knew. They were with me for the journey. One actually helped me decide what I wanted. One held my hand while I got it done. One, who couldn't be there in person, cheered me on from a distance. All-in-all, there were about 6 people who knew. Having these dear ones involved was a blessing. I knew what I wanted, and with their confidence in my ability to make the right decision, I had the courage to reach out for it.
On the other hand, there were a few people I did NOT want to know until the deed was done. People who didn't know my heart; didn't realize how long I had been thinking and praying about this life-changing decision. (Think that "life-changing" is an exaggeration? Do you have a tattoo? If not, ask someone who does). They would have tried to talk me out of it, without knowing my whole story. Next, there were the people who are afraid to do it themselves and would have put their own "junk" onto me. Right beside them, were the people who would encourage me to do anything, regardless of the consequences. I thought it wise to avoid the counsel of these folks. So I did.
When I first saw my dream realized, I wanted to call everyone I knew and tell them. I wanted to blow up social media with the news. I have a blog (or two). I have a twitter account that I never use. I have Instagram. Facebook. And if that's not enough, I have e-mail. What's the point of being soooo connected if we don't put the big, exciting things out there?
And yet, I didn't.
It's been 3 months. 3. And I'm just now saying something.
Why not sooner?
Because, I realized, that I'm not really the diva I worried about being. I tell you this, because I want to be honest. It turns out that the big things in my life don't make social media until long after they stop being "news." You probably knew that from when I decided to move away from WA. It's okay to laugh if you were ahead of me in figuring that out. I'm a slow processor.

Why now?
Because I want to write (just a little) about the design I chose, and what it means to me. Because, (as I believe tattoos should), it is a helpful little reminder to me of things that matter oh-so-much.
Except... I know I've already written too much. You have other things to do today. But I'll get back to it. I promise.
For now, I'll just say a couple words about the palm tree. (Odd choice, for fall, I realize. But - hey! - this is me)!
It stands, against anything. Hurricane force winds. Crashing waves. Scorching sun. It stands where God put it. Alone, on an island. Tall, pretty much straight, bowing to challenges, but not breaking. Beautiful. Growing stronger every day, every season. And soaking up the light. Welcoming travelers. Signaling rest for the weary.
When I feel like life is a hurricane; that things are just "not fair;" when I wonder how I will make it through the storms of the season, it's the image of the palm tree that gives me strength.
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream." - Jeremiah 17:7-8 (though 6 is pretty good, too).
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Thanks for sharing your random thoughts, too!