Saturday, November 23, 2013

Promises Kept... Tatoo, part 2 (Ps 65:8)

Last week, I gave y'all a peek at my tattoo, and promised to return to the story (though I'm sure it's more info than most of you needed/wanted. I'm pretty sure my momma might read the whole thing, lol). So... here I am! Just to get it all in one post, forgive me for resharing a little about the palm tree. 
PhotoCred: My sister. Myrtle Beach.

A palm tree stands, solid, anchored against anything. Hurricane force winds. Crashing waves. Scorching sun. It stands where God put it. Alone, in this case. On an island. Tall, pretty much straight, bowing to challenges, but not breaking. Beautiful. Growing stronger every day, every season. And soaking up the light.

The palm tree represents welcome to travelers, vacationers, wanderers. It speaks of rest for the weary and shelter for the shipwrecked. It's a promise that no matter how wild the world gets, life will go on.

When I feel like life is a hurricane; that things are just "not fair;" when I wonder how I will make it through the storms of the season, it's the image of the palm tree that gives me strength. 

Hatteras... Nov. 2013. PhotoCred:RQ
My palm tree is by the ocean (not in some desert oasis) because the ocean is where I feel most connected to God, most humbled by the mysteries of the cosmic plan. I blogged about that a couple posts back. Sometimes it's important to remember how small I am... how tiny my story in the grand scheme of the universe. I know it sounds odd, but I take comfort in the fact that my little life (with all of it's dramas) really won't make-or-break the Master Plan. 

VA Beach... November 2012
The waves, swirling, crashing ... represent the drama and turmoil and darker moments of life. Any life. All life. My life. There are two big ones... and they could be the two times I've seen my life restarted, or the two major moves I've made. Or not. There's also a little one... growing? ebbing? I don't know. Because we just never know what's coming. We never know how much we will be asked to bear.

Sunset @ Myrtle Beach, with my niece & nephew.
PhotoCred: my sister. Isn't she awesome?
But then there's the sun. The infinite sun ... The SON. Above all the turmoil, demanding respect. Awe-inspiring. Energizing. Giving life to the palm tree. Warming the sand. Glorifying the scene. Renewing. Re-invigorating. Constant. The sun outlasts it all. 

Of course, if you know me at all, you know I don't make life-decisions without careful consideration. This design was lovingly crafted, tweaked, and edited for over a year before I finally got inked. I'm blessed to have a fantastic friend with the gifts of both artistry and patience, who drafted and re-drafted and talked it through with me. That's how I am. I think things through. I do my research. I have a plan.

However, if you know me well, you know that when crunch time finally comes, I have an interesting habit of veering off script.


Ummm...dunno. Sometime, somewhere.
Bird. Yep. The bird was unplanned... until the day before. The bird... is me, just as much as is the tree. The bird loves to travel. To feel free. To ride the winds. The bird does cartwheels of joy in the air. Shouts its pleasure to the heavens. She knows the power of a good "wahoo." And, so, she soars. Unworried about anything beyond the moment. Getting closer to the sun. Circling back to home. Free, and yet also anchored. Joy-filled.

So...there you have it. The whole story (for now) of my first tattoo.  Located on the side of my right leg (yes, the one I broke). Just high enough that I can see it over the sneakers I "get" to wear all the time now. A ready reminder of the place that sings to my soul. 

I know it will evolve as my life does. Which is exciting, too.

The whole earth is filled with awe at [God's] wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, [he calls] forth songs of joy.   - Psalm 65:8

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Thanks for sharing your random thoughts, too!